Xerocomellus Šutara, Czech Mycol. 60(1): 44 (2008)
The genus Xerocomellus was described by J. Šutara (2008) with X. chrysenteron (Bull.) Šutara as the type species. This genus, segregated from Xerocomus, included species characterized by a pileipellis arranged from the early stage in a characteristic palisadoderm of incrusted hyphae, and a spore surface which is never bacillate, but smooth or with specialized apex (“truncature”) and/or longitudinally striate. As originally circumscribed, the genus included X. armeniacus (Quel.) Šutara, X. engelii (Hlavaček) Šutara (= Xerocomus communis (Bull.) Bon s. auct), X. fennicus (Harmaja) Šutara, X. marekii (Šutara & Skala) Šutara, X. porosporus (Imler ex Moreno & Bon) Šutara, X. pruinatus (Fr.) Šutara, X. ripariellus (Redeuilh) Šutara and X. rubellus (Krombh.) Šutara. Xerocomus cisalpinus (Simonini et al.) Klofac was included in the genus by Klofac (2011). In 2014, Xerocomus dryophilus was also included in this genus as X. dryophilus (Thiers) N. Siegel et al. (Frank 2014). Vizzini (2015) established for Boletus rubellus Krombh. (= X. rubellus (Krombh.) Šutara) the new genus Hortiboletus Simonini et al. and for Xerocomus armeniacus, as well as for the close Xerocomus persicolor H. Engel et al . , the new genus Rheubarbariboletus Vizzini et al..