Parastagonospora cumpignensis Tibpromma, Camporesi & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov.
Index Fungorum number: IF 551804, Facesoffungi number: FoF 01767, Fig. 2
Etymology: Name reflects the locality, Campigna, where this species was collected.
Holotype: MFLU 15–1480

Saprobic on Dactylis glomerata L. in terrestrial habitats. Sexual morph Ascomata 205 – 310 μm high × 197 – 217 μm diam. (x̄  = 245 × 207 μm, n = 5), scattered, immersed in host tissue, globose to subglobose, thin – walled, solitary, with short neck, dark brown to black. Peridium 14–19μm, thin-walled, comprising 2 layers of hyaline to brown cells of texture angularis.Hamathecium comprising numerous, 1.5 – 3 μm wide, septate, branched, pseudoparaphyses. Asci 62 – 92 × 9 – 12 μm (x̄ = 78 × 10 μm, n = 10), 8 – spored, bitunicate, cylindrical to narrowly fusoid, short pedicellate, with a relatively a small ocular chamber. Ascospores 26 – 31 × 6 – 7 μm (x̄  = 28 × 7 μm, n = 15), obliquely uniseriate, ellipsoid to narrowly obovoid, hyaline, becoming 3-septate with age, constricted at each septum, cells above central septum often broader than the lower ones, with acute rounded ends, constricted at the septa, with 1 – 2 distinct oil droplets in each cell, smooth-walled, without a mucilaginous sheath. Asexual morph Undetermined.

Culture characteristics: on MEA reaching 4 cm diam. after 2 weeks at 16 °C, later with dense mycelium, with entire edge, flat, smooth with raised elevation, white – grey; hyphae septate branched, grey, thin-walled.

Material examined: ITALY, Campigna, Santa Sofia, Forlì- Cesena Province, on dead stem of Dactylis glomerata (Poaceae), 23 June 2012, Erio Camporesi, IT458 (MFLU 15–1480, holotype); ex-type living culture, MFLUCC 13– 0573, MUCL; Ibid. (MFLU 16-0065bis, HKAS 92500tris, paratypes).

Notes: The phylogeny of the family Phaeosphaeriaceae is reconstructed based on analysis combined LSU and ITS sequence data (Fig. 1). Parastagonospora cumpignensis clusters with P. dactylidis W.J. Li et al. and P. minima W.J. Li et al. with high support. Parastagonospora dactylidis and P.minima are asexual morphs with 3 – septate, hyaline conidia, while P. cumpignensis is a sexual morph which shares 3 – septate, hyaline ascospores with P. dactylidis and P. minima (Li et al. 2015b). Parastagonospora cumpignensis is introduced as new species with an illustrated account and the phylogenetic trees of combined LSU and ITS sequence data confirm its placement in Parastagonospora.

Fig. 1 Phylogram generated from maximum likelihood analysis based on combined LSU and ITS sequenced data of species of Phaeosphaeriaceae. Branches of maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood bootstrap support values greater than 50 % and Bayesian posterior probabilities greater than 0.90 are indicated in bold. New taxa are in blue and ex-type strains are in bold. The scale bar indicates 0.1 changes. The tree is rooted with Didymella exigua CBS 183.55

Fig. 2 Parastagonospora cumpignensis (holotype) a Appearance of ascomata on host substrate b Section of ascoma c Section of peridium d Paraphyses e, f Asci g – i Ascospores j Germinated ascospore. Scale bars: a = 200 μm, b = 50 μm, c = 20 μm, d = 5 μm, e, f = 20 μm, g – j = 10 μm.