Gryganskiella Vandepol, Stajich & Bonito, gen. nov.

Index Fungorum number: MB 833857; Facesoffungi number: FoF

Etymology: In honor of Andrii Gryanskyi, a Ukrainian- American mycologist, for his contributions in research, training and genomics of fungi in Mucoromycota.

Description: Sporangiospores are smooth and ellipti- cal to cylindrical. Chlamydospores are lightly pigmented, light brown or ochre/orange. While this characteristic is not unique to this genus, it is conserved within this group.

Habitat: These species have been reported from agri- cultural soil & moss in the Netherlands & South America.

Type species: Gryganskiella cystojenkinii (W. Gams & Veenb.-Rijks) Vandepol & Bonito